Welcome to mofaz-unicity

The project that teaches you how to attain the 100% Happy
Get it all within 3-5 years, wouldn’t that be fantastic?
In The Happy Life Project, we call that The 100% Happy Life.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to The Happy Life Project!

You may be here because you heard about the Project, wanted to find out more, or your friend pointed you this way. Or you may be here simply because you stumbled upon us while searching, or doing a search online, for happiness?? Whatever the circumstances – Welcome!

Let us give you a rough idea what the project is all about.
Have you ever heard the oft-quoted conventional wisdom, “Money Isn’t Everything”?

We agree. It isn’t.

If we were to ask you, between Money, Time and Health, which of these is the No 1 priority in your life right now? Would it be Money? Or Time? Or Health? Which is it?

From our numerous conversations with people from all walks of life, eight out of 10 will pick Health, and it doesn’t necessarily mean they have a present health crisis. Of the rest, most will choose Money and some will choose Time.

However, has it ever occurred to you that most people do live their life like Money Is Everything, despite the conventional wisdom that says otherwise?

Well, did you notice most people give up a lot of their time, including precious time with children or loved ones, for many years, even decades, trying to make money and more money? They work so hard that they compromise on their health and well-being, taking on more stress than is good for the human body. In the process, they may lose their health. Then, after many years of making and saving money, they would have to spend all of their hard-earned money to buy back the health that they lost. No wonder people say – Money Isn’t Everything!

Nobody likes to live their life like that, but many people don’t know how else to live. In many cases, they become cynical and resigned, sighing and saying, “Life’s like that”.

Well, life need not be like that at all. The Happy Life Project offers a complete solution to this near-universal dilemma.

What if we can show you how you can have more money (make that, a lot more money, because if it is not a lot more, then we don’t need to waste each other’s time talking)? What if in the process of making a lot more money, you get to free up your time to do the things you love to do with your time?
And what if, in the process of achieving a higher level of Wealth and Freedom, you get better health immediately and eventually, you get to be free from health concerns?
Wouldn’t all that be great?

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